“His journey through the golden sands is like the God of the Sea walking through the waves”

Short summary: MC is a princess who meets the Lemurian Rafayel, that needs to take her heart for the seas to be awaken after 30000 years. Rafayel can’t do it because he falls for her again, MC remembers everything.

01: "Won’t you take me with you?”


This is set on Philos (Future Earth), where a Princess has a heart that grants immortality to all people who live there. She’s stuck in the palace in order to protect her heart.

She wants freedom, and often disguises herself as her maid Natasha to try and escape. She’s tried this 99 times already. This time, she falls of a boat and almost drowns.

The water suddenly becomes comforting, and she hears Rafayel’s voice telling her to tell the guards to leave. The guards think she’s Natasha, and believe enemies have invaded the cities, nobles have been killed (I believe by Rafayel).

“Are you my savior? Thank you. Yet why were you underwater?” She asks him. He doesn’t reply and takes care of a wound caused by the guards’ arrows.

Rafayel asks her not to tell anyone, and she asks him for help in exchange for this: She wants his help to see the city.

02: **“You sound aloof, but still allowed me some fun. You’re nice. You’re not going to abandon me, are you?” “ I might be the Princess, but in reality, I’m a fish in a glass bowl. As long as this fish lives, why inquire about its feelings?”


They go into a market. MC claims he’s the second most important person to her, and asks his name. She says he’s like the God of the Sea, since he came from the water and rescued her.

He says his name, and she convinces him to pay for dinner. They have skewers (not fruit but meat like in Sparkling Traces OMG). MC is enchanted by gerbils (little mice), and Rafayel says they’re common, and that she just ate some. They talk as she goes from stall to stall, looking at everything very clueless about what they even are.

Rafayel tells her why the Princess is popular in the market, and MC realizes “I am nothing to those close to me. People visit me only because of this heart, whether out of respect, love, envy or hatred.” She’s so upset she wants any god that exists to just take her heart.

The guards appear, and Rafayel grabs her and helps her escape. His wound is bleeding again. They sit and she takes care of his wound. He doesn’t flinch when she touches the wound, and when she asks, he says “When you’re prone to getting injured, it all feels the same.” She opens up about her wishing for freedom, Rafayel laughs.

She’s the princess but not by blood. She says she’s nothing without her heart.

He asks her where she wants to go, and she claims she wants to see the sea. Rafayel says it’s been years since someone wanted to visit the sea.