Many times we see that MC dreams or has visions of other lifetimes. This a collection of everytime I could see this happening. Rafayel is also hunted by dreams but we don’t know much yet.

Past Life (Forgotten Sea Card): The night before the Sea God Ceremony MC dreams of their Future Myth.

MC dreams of their future Myth, that looked like it had a happy endind, but this is what really happened:

Dream: On the Edge of Sand and Ocean

I once had a dream.

My feet sink into the sand, endless in the yellow sky. Plants grow along a dried riverbed.

I walk beside it for a long, long, long time. The skin on my fingertips is dry, cracked. My feet start to bleed.

At the edge of the riverbed is a young amn and a giant sea creature. I cannot make out his features, but I think he is taking in the animal’s warmth.

He appears to be singing a melody. ‘Tis strange, alluring.

But I can barely make out any notes asa his voice is barely above a whisper.

I take a few steps, whishing to hear him better.

When he looks up, I immediately recognize those eyes.

He stands up and reaches out to me, like I’m an old friend returning from a long trip.

“There’s Whalefall City” He points to the bones of a sea creature long dead. In the distance, they rest in the sand dunes.

“That’s where I can look at the sea?”


I take his hand.

We arrive at our destination when the sun rises.